The layout for the Outdoor Learning Center.
The new Outdoor Learning Center layout.Although it seems like nothing has moved forward on the Wesley Homes, there has been behind-the-scenes movement.
Clint Schahrer saw the survey to completion and the results have been sent to The Inn Between, the architect and the contractor. The next pre-approval meeting with the city for the project will be April 26.
Jean Malchow has been diligently working on refining the Outdoor Learning Center for Wild Plum. The image shows the layout for the sensory learning centers. Rod Edmonds and Jean have applied to several grant sources. We did receive a $400 grant through the Longmont Community Foundation and $50 from P.E.O. Jean has a presentation that she has been showing to various groups, such as the P.E.O.
The 150th Anniversary Team gave approval to use their remaining money of $400 for the Outdoor Learning Center. We also received a commitment to cover the cost of the survey for $15,000. Additionally generous contributions have been received totaling $31,621.
While we are grateful for the monies received we are still short of meeting the costs. If you feel moved to contribute toward the Outdoor Learning Center, please mark your contribution as such.
As always any member of the team is available to answer any questions or provide further information. The team members are Rod Edmonds, Joan Edmonds, Jean Malchow, Tricia Grafelman and Clint Schahrer.