Children and Family Ministries at Heart of Longmont

Our Purpose
Heart of Longmont’s Children & Family Ministry (CFM) cultivates a joyful and secure space where kids can discover and explore the incredible love of Jesus. Through engaging, hands-on and integrated activities, children participate in spiritual learning that connects lessons to their daily lives. They also experience the delight of being in community with each other, which is a cherished aspect of the Heart of Longmont congregation.
We recognize parents as the primary guides in a child’s spiritual development, and we are committed to being a partner in that journey. We are an open and reconciling congregation and reinforce values of care, generosity, understanding and love to all people.
Sunday Programs
When you arrive at church, look for our colorful Heart of Longmont Children banner. A member of the CFM ministry team will be there to welcome your child and have you sign them in for Sunday programming.
Children are invited to attend the first 20 minutes of the church service with their caregiver(s). We hold a special Children’s Time most Sundays during the service prior to the sermon. We welcome children of all ages to participate.
Children will then have the chance to go to our nursery or Children’s Church from approximately 10:20 – 11a.m. Infants and children are also welcome to stay in the adult church service, if preferred.
The nursery is open to infants up to age 5. Free play and friendship are the focus of this program.
Children’s Church
Children’s Church is open to elementary-aged kids, kindergarten to fifth grade. Fellowship, spiritual learning, and creative play are the focus of this program. Lessons center on behavior over belief. Our approach is non-dogmatic and heart centered with an emphasis on the teachings of Jesus and how to follow them in today’s world.
Special Events
Heart of Longmont hosts special activities throughout the year around Christmas, Easter and Halloween. Games and crafts are based on Christian values. Events are advertised and open to children in the community free of charge.
Safety and Security
Checked & Trained
All teachers, nursery staff and volunteers are required to pass state and national background checks, a Safe Gatherings course and are trained to adhere to our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
Sign In & Sign Out
For your child’s safety and well-being, we have a sign-in and sign-out system in place. We require all caregivers to check-in their children at the designated station before participating in any programs.
Children’s Registration & Permission Form
So that we can provide the best care for your child while they are participating in our programs, we request a completed Registration & Permission Form to be kept on file and updated annually.
Behavior & Safety Guidelines
As we try to provide a safe and fun environment that is conducive to learning and growth, we ask that all caregivers and children follow our behavioral and safety guidelines when they participate in any Children & Family Ministry programs at Heart of Longmont.

Contact Us
If you’d like to learn more about Heart of Longmont’s Children & Family Ministry, please contact our CFM Director, Holly Milne.