Children’s Sunday School Scriptures for Lent
Children’s Ministries have a number of interesting scriptures picked out for Sunday School during Lent. Check out their schedule below: February 27 – Roman’s 6:23, Isaiah 53:1-12, Matthew 3:16-4:11 March 6 – Matthew 6:5-15, Luke 19:28-44 March...
HOL Youth Had a Great January and February!
by Emily Farrenkopf The youth have had a great time in January and February! We decided that this semester we will be doing one fun outing a month and one mini service project each month. In January, we assembled blessing bags that can be passed out to those...
Happy Birthday Heart of Longmont UMC – Our History – Part 5
by Ann Yoder Women’s groups formed early in our church’s history, and have been known by many names: Ladies’ Aid Society, Young Matrons, Women’s Foreign Missionary Society, Women’s Home Missionary Society, Women’s Society of Christian Service, Wesleyan Service Guild...