What’s Happening With Wesley Homes?

What’s Happening With Wesley Homes?

There has been significant behind the scenes action on the Wesley Homes project. To deed the land to The Inn Between, a survey must be completed. Clint Schahrer contacted 3 companies for quotes. Before making a decision on which company to use, a few more questions...
Youth Group Christmas Fundraiser

Youth Group Christmas Fundraiser

The youth are excited to offer their annual Christmas fundraiser again this year! We are selling Christmas wreaths, centerpieces, and reindeer that can be preordered and picked up at the church on Sunday, December 4th. New this year: we are also offering an option...
Curious About Wesley Homes?

Curious About Wesley Homes?

What questions do you have? Curious to see the renderings of the exteriors and interiors of the homes that will be built on our parking lot? Then be sure to stay after church on October 23rd when Tim Rakow, executive director of The Inn Between, and Kelly Deitman, the...

Sunday Kids Choir

Starting October 9 from 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM we will have our first Sunday Kids Choir practice. Any kids ages K-6th grade are welcome to come sing their hearts out with Kevin Lattu. Kevin comes to us from Minnesota. He has a passion for music and working with...
Wesley Homes Update

Wesley Homes Update

The Memorandum of Understanding, an agreement between two parties to move forward on a project, was signed by John Murphy on behalf of HOL and Tim Rakow on behalf of The Inn Between on August 18th. The Inn Between Board approved the Memorandum of Understanding on...

Get in Touch

350 11th Avenue

Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 776 - 3523



Join us for worship

every Sunday at 10 am.

All are welcome!