Heart of Longmont

Putting more of God's love into the world.

Heart of Longmont invites you to join us for our livestreamed worship services on our YouTube Live page.

Join us Sunday for worship at 10:00AM!

Welcome to Heart of Longmont

Land Acknowledgement

The Heart of Longmont United Methodist Church acknowledges that we gather on the ancestral lands of the first peoples of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Ute tribes and other indigenous peoples. We honor the history and living spiritual connection that the first peoples have with this land. We recognize the injustices incurred on these peoples when this land was colonized.

Current Groups

Faith and Reason Adult Study Group

Faith and Reason are a Sunday Adult Studies group that takes on subjects that inform and stretch our faith. They meet on Sundays from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM either via Zoom or in person. Coffee is available during discussion. If this sounds interesting to you, please consider joining! For more information and to join the class, please contact Sandy Rabenhorst.

Adventurers Adult Ministry

Adventurers Adult Study Group meet Sunday mornings 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM.  If you are interested in joining, or want more information, please contact Tricia Grafelman.

Men's Fellowship Group

A bi-weekly group who meet at different homes to share a meal, fellowship, and discussion. Contact the church office for more information if you are interested in joining!

Upcoming Events

Chef Heaty Meal Kit Build

Sunday, January 5 after worship service

in Wesley Hall

Providing fifty Wild Plum families with a healthy meal kit once a month gives them an opportunity to take a night off from worrying about what to fix and shopping for ingredients. The kids love being in the kitchen helping prepare the meal!

Kit building for spring semester will be on Sunday, January 5, in Wesley Hall after service. Wesley Hall may be “out of sight” but we don’t want Chef Hearty “out of mind”!

This is a quick and easy way to serve our community and we invite you to join us on the first Sunday of every month to build Chef Hearty kits. If you know meals that would work well in these healthy kits, send Tricia the recipe!

Monthly Meditation Class

Friday, January 17 and Friday, January 31

12:00 PM to 1:30 PM

at Heart of Longmont

Given the magnitude of the stress present in the world today and the stress created by our own personal issues, Chris Mason is offering free meditation classes twice a month at the Heart of Longmont. All are welcome and invited to learn more about this ancient skill that has been a calming refuge for thousands of years. Many types of meditation will be covered with a focus on Buddhist and Christian practices. The meetings will occur two Fridays per month from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM at Heart of Longmont. The first two meetings are scheduled for Friday, January 17 and Friday, January 31. No experience is necessary to join! Come join us and give meditation a try!

Coffee With The Pastor

Sunday, January 19 after worship service

in the Parlor

Opportunity to formally join our church family during worship Sunday, January 26

Finding a church home is not an easy thing to do when you are new to a community or if you have been searching for a while. We offer quarterly opportunities for anyone considering Heart of Longmont as their church home to come learn more about our United Methodist denomination and our church with Pastor Claire.

We invite you to join us on Sunday, January 19, right after service in the Parlor for light, healthy snacks while you ask questions about HOL and meet others who are considering taking the next step in commitment to our faith community. We will recognize those that join the church during worship service on Sunday, January 26.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Tricia or Pastor Claire.

Vitalant Blood Drive

Sunday, January 26

9:00 AM to 2:00 PM in Wesley Hall

Saving lives is easier than you think—and you can do so from our church building. We will be hosting Vitalant Blood Donation Center in Wesley
Hall for our annual blood drive on Sunday, January 26, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Click here to sign up or scan the QR code above!

Annual Chili Cook Off

Sunday, February 16 after worship service

in Wesley Hall

Dust off your crock pots and search for your best chili recipe! Will it be a tried and true recipe from your grandmother or will you try something new you saw online? Join us for this annual event that is filled with laughter, delicious food, and lighthearted competition. Bring your best chili in a crock pot and plug it in on the tables closest to the stage in Wesley Hall on Sunday, February 16. We will gather right after the service to taste test and vote for best chili and dessert. Drinks, chili toppings (cheese, crackers, fritos, and green onions provided). Pro-Tip: Bring your own muffin tin from home so you taste test many chilis at once!

Get in Touch

350 11th Avenue

Longmont, CO 80501

(303) 776 - 3523



Join us for worship

every Sunday at 10 am.

All are welcome!