Heart of Longmont
Putting more of God's love into the world.Welcome to Heart of Longmont
Heart of Longmont invites you to join us for our livestreamed worship services on our YouTube channel. Join us Sunday for worship at 10:00AM!
Land Acknowledgement
The Heart of Longmont United Methodist Church acknowledges that we gather on the ancestral lands of the first peoples of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Ute tribes and other indigenous peoples. We honor the history and living spiritual connection that the first peoples have with this land. We recognize the injustices incurred on these peoples when this land was colonized.
Current Groups

Witness at the Cross Lenten Study
Wednesdays 5:30 – 7:00 PM
March 5 to April 9
at Longs Peak UMC (1421 Elmhurst Drive, Longmont)
Join Heart of Longmont, Longs Peak UMC, and Hygiene UMC for a special 6-part Lenten study, Witness at the Cross by Amy-Jill Levine. HOL will be leading two nights of discussion and study. Order your book via your bookseller of choice or call Longs Peak UMC at 303-776-0399 to place an order. Don’t let the cost of the book stop you from participating – a limited number of donated books are available.
This study will be potluck style and you are strongly encouraged to bring something to share. If you can’t bring a potluck dish, that’s okay! but please help provide for the group to break bread together if you are able.

The Chosen Season 2 Discussion Group
Starting Sunday, February 23
Sundays at 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM
In the HOL Chapel
Continue discussing The Chosen for Season 2 in the HOL Chapel starting February 23. If you have any questions, contact the church office.

Faith and Reason Adult Study Group
Faith and Reason are a Sunday Adult Studies group that takes on subjects that inform and stretch our faith. They meet on Sundays from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM either via Zoom or in person. Coffee is available during discussion. If this sounds interesting to you, please consider joining! For more information and to join the class, please contact Sandy Rabenhorst.

Adventurers Adult Ministry
Adventurers Adult Study Group meet Sunday mornings 8:45 AM to 9:45 AM. If you are interested in joining, or want more information, please contact Tricia Grafelman.

Monthly Meditation Class
Two Fridays Per Month
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
at Heart of Longmont
Given the magnitude of the stress present in the world today and the stress created by our own personal issues, Chris Mason is offering free meditation classes twice a month at the Heart of Longmont. All are welcome and invited to learn more about this ancient skill that has been a calming refuge for thousands of years. Many types of meditation will be covered with a focus on Buddhist and Christian practices. The meetings will occur two Fridays per month from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM at Heart of Longmont. No experience is necessary to join! Come join us and give meditation a try!
Please see the Weekly Pulse or contact the church office for class dates.

Men's Fellowship Group
A bi-weekly group who meet at different homes to share a meal, fellowship, and discussion. Contact the church office for more information if you are interested in joining!
Upcoming Events

HOL UWF presents Dorje Dolma, author of Yak Girl
Saturday, March 29
10:00 AM
in the HOL Chapel
Calling ALL women of the church to an awe-inspiring event on Saturday, March 29, from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the Chapel. Dorje Dolma, a Nepalese woman and author of Yak Girl: Growing Up in the Remote Dolpo Region of Nepal, will be sharing her life story with us. At the age of five she was herding goats and sheep up to the higher elevations of the Himalaya mountains and by seven was defending them from wolves and snow leopards. She was an inquisitive girl, but there was no schooling for her nor medical help when she developed Scoliosis. As a teen her family walked down the mountain to Kathmandu to seek medical help for her—it took a month of walking!!! A Boulder woman adopted her, brought her to Colorado for treatment and education. After graduating from CU, she wrote this book and is sending the proceeds back to her community in Nepal for education and medical purposes. She will have just returned from a trip to Nepal when she comes to visit us later this month.
This is an event you will not want to miss! Saturday, March 29 at 10:00 AM in the Chapel. You don’t need to belong to UWF to join us! If you have questions, contact Marty Allison. If you’re interested in reading Yak Girl, you can purchase the book at your favorite bookseller or check your local library.

The Art of Healing: A Guided Art Experience
Sunday, March 30
11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
in Fellowship Hall at Heart of Longmont
Join us on March 30 from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM in Fellowship Hall for a unique opportunity to explore the transformative power of art. A light salad lunch will be available for participants in the parlor from 11:00 to 11:30 AM. All materials will be provided. This introspective workshop combines meditative practices with ceramic painting, fostering connections within yourself and with others to create something beautiful.
The session will be led by Amber Cantorna-Wylde, a national speaker, consultant, and community healer who specializes in bringing messages of diversity, hope and self-acceptance to individuals.
This workshop welcomes individuals aged 14 and older of all abilities; no prior experience is necessary.
Participation is limited, and a fee of $20 is required. Payments can be made by check to the church office or online at heartoflongmont.org before the workshop. Please note “Art Workshop” in the memo line of your check or online payment.
To reserve your spot, sign up by calling the church office at 303-776-3523, using the sign-up sheet at the Connection Center, or by clicking here!
We look forward to sharing this healing artistic journey with you.

A Conversation On Understanding Trans Identities and Experiences
Sunday, April 6
11:15 AM in the HOL Chapel
In today’s climate, confusion and misinformation about transgender individuals are prevalent. To foster understanding, the Heart of Longmont Mission Team is hosting a two-session Table Talk series aimed at informing and educating participants on transgender issues. Bryn Long and Rachel Dwyier will share their personal stories and discuss the challenges they’ve faced. The sessions will cover terminology, a Q&A segment, the intersection of transgender identities and faith, and practical steps toward allyship.
The goal of this two-part series is to promote understanding, compassion and inclusion, aligning with our core values of love, justice, and acceptance.
The first session is scheduled for March 2, with the follow-up on April 6. The sessions will begin at 11:15 AM, and food will be provided for participants.
If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP by clicking here, scanning the QR code, or by calling the church office at 303-776-3523.

Chef Hearty Build
Sunday, April 6
After Worship Service
Join us in building Chef Hearty meal kids for our Wild Plum families!

Holy Thursday Service
Thursday, April 17
7:00 PM
at Heart of Longmont
Join us for an evening Holy Thursday service at Heart of Longmont at 7:00 PM on April 17.

O Love Divine – A Lenten Cantata
Palm Sunday, April 13
10:00 AM during Worship Service
Join us for O Love Divine, a Lenten Cantata, presented by the Heart of Longmont Chancel Choir! On Palm Sunday, our musicians will lead the Heart of Longmont community in a musical exploration of Jesus’ last days and words. From the Upper Room to the Cross, we honor His sacrificial gift through music.
Any singers or instrumental musicians interested in joining for this service of special music email Music Director Ariel.

Good Friday Service
Friday, April 18
7:00 PM
at Heart of Longmont
Join Heart of Longmont, Longs Peak UMC, and Hygiene UMC for a joint circuit evening Good Friday service on April 18 at 7:00 PM at Heart of Longmont.

A Special Service Sunday – No Worship Service at HOL!
Sunday, April 27
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Our 3rd annual BE Sunday will give you the opportunity to reflect God’s love by extending a helping hand within our Longmont community. Join us on Sunday, April 27, from 8:30 AM to 12 PM as we replace our traditional worship service for a morning of serving others.
Do you like to cook, to paint, to garden, to organize, to build, to visit, to clean, to sand wood or just like to be in community with others while serving those in need? Join us as we go out and BE the Church, BE a good neighbor and BE in Service! We need your helping hands. No matter how difficult the task, when it is shared in Christian love with the goal of helping others, the work ends up not be very hard at all.
We will NOT be having a traditional worship service Sunday, April 27, at Heart of Longmont while we are out in service, but invite you, if you are unable to help or wish to attend regular Sunday worship, to attend worship services at Longs Peak UMC (1421 Elmhurst Drive) at either 9 AM or 10:45 AM.

Easter Sunday Worship Service
Sunday, April 20
10:00 AM
in person at Heart of Longmont and livestreamed to our YouTube channel
an Easter Egg Hunt to follow service!
Join us to celebrate Easter in person at Heart of Longmont or online on our YouTube channel Sunday, April 20, at 10:00 AM. An Easter Egg Hunt in our courtyard will follow Worship Service.